Nämä muuten ovat ensimmäisiä kuvia tämän vuoden puolelta, jotka olen saanut kehitettyä ja skannattua. Ja pitihän tuo harvinaisuus eli tiekarhu myös kuvata kun sellainen sattui kohdalle. Niitä kun ei enää kovin montaa tässä kaupungissa ole.
Snowy winter landscapes
There has been some good and very snowy winter days recently. Some people may have even suffered of the amount of snow. At least you have seen and heard lots of complaints about the road maintenance and the snow piles that have been around the city. Unfortunately the rains have come and lots of snow is already melted. The weather forecast has even predicted warm winds and several plus degrees for the coming days even when it's February.
By the way, these are my first photos from this year that I have developed and scanned. And I had to take a picture of that road maintenance vehicle when I saw it because it starts to be a rare sight here.
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