Punasuodin oli ehdottomasti osuva valinta, sillä suuri määrä erilaisia värejä ja valoja sai muut kuvat näyttämään hieman haljuilta ja sekavilta näiden rinnalla. Onhan punaisissa valossa myös aina jotain sellaista arvokkaampaa hehkua kuin esimerkiksi haalean vihreissä tai keltaisissa valoissa.
The red dots in a landscape
Despite the title, this post is not about Leica cameras, but my photography experiments. During spring and winter I tested couple of times this multiple exposure technique. First I photographed a film roll with abstract light objects and then photographed the same film again normally. It resulted some surprising photos you can't plan beforehand.
I made these with old Christmas lights which were in multiple colours. In this case I used red filter to make all light spots turn red. I have tested this with black and white film, but this was the first time with colour negative film.
I think it was a good idea to use red filter, because great amount of different colours and lights made other photos look messy if you compare them with these ones. And there's always some special charm with red lights compared for example to pale green or yellow lights.
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