Kesäkuussa kaivoin pakastimen kätköistä viimeisen rullan Fuji Superia Realaa. Olin säilyttänyt sitä jo vuosikausia ja viimeinen käyttöpäivä oli mennyt vuonna 2008. Ongelmia päiväyksen kanssa ei tietenkään ollut, sillä filmi oli ollut pakkasessa koko ajan. Valitettavasti Realan valmistus lopetettiin joitakin vuosia sitten. Se oli suosikkini Fujin Superia -sarjasta, sillä se oli värien toistoltaan ja terävyydeltään sarjan parasta. Vaan mikä voisikaan olla Realan vastine - kenties Kodak Portra 160?
Last roll of Fuji Reala
I haven't been writing this blog for a while even when I have been photographing continuously. Some may have seen that I am on Instagram now because it's so easy to put out some photos there. So more action in Instagram than here. Feel free to follow @deltakoo if you're interested in photography. There's still room in my follower list as I haven't promoted it in any way. I may change the username if I find out a better one.
In June I took this last roll of Fuji Superia Reala from my freezer and put it in my camera. The film roll had been there already years and the expiration date was in 2008. But no problem with the date as it has been frozen all time. Unfortunately Fuji discontinued Reala some years ago. It was my favourite from the Fuji Superia series as the colours and sharpness were great. What would be equivalent for Fuji Reala - maybe Kodak Portra 160?
After this experimentation with colour negative film I found out that I liked it. There's not much difference shooting colour negative film than black and white film, but scanning and fine tuning the colours require more work if you want to have good results. Probably I continue with colour negative film, but I try to keep the speed low to avoid grain.